This is a plugin for Elite Dangerous Market Connector. EDMC is a third-party tool for the game “Elite: Dangerous”. Elite: Dangerous produces logs for the actions taken by the player during gameplay. Third party tools can use these logs to provide a better experience for the user.
This specific plugin helps the user organize Massacre Missions – a mission type that can be very lucrative to the player if they accept the right missions.
On startup the plugin looks at the last 2 weeks of logs produced by the game. This is done to aggregate all MissionAccept
-Events as EDMC does not keep track of them. During game Startup it will generate an Event containing all active Mission-IDs. The plugin does a Union between said IDs and all Events that were acquired earlier to determine the current pool of active missions.
From here on, the plugin filters for Massacre Missions and sets up a list of how many ships the player has to destroy for a certain mission to complete. The data is directed towards the UI in the form of a callback followed by an tkinter-Event. On the next Render-Loop tkinter would then regenerate the UI and display the new state.