Waldemar Lehner


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About Me

Hey there! My name's Waldemar. I am 23 years old and have just recently started working as a Software Consultant at Opitz Consulting, right after finishing my Bachelor's Degree in Applied Informatics at the Ravensburg-Weingarten University.

I have been coding for about 7 years now, be it for Uni, Work or Leisure Projects. During that time I have mostly written code in TypeScript, Java and C# and a bit of Python. Recently, I have also been interested in learning Rust and Go. If you are interested about my coding past, feel free to look at my projects section.

If you wish to contact me, you can do so via E-Mail or Discord.


Here you can see a small excerpt from my projects. Feel free to click the button below to view more.

Preview for the Project: Elements Project page.

Project: Elements

A rogue-like written with C# and OpenTK.

Preview for the Building Visualization App Project page.

Building Visualization App

Webapp implemented with Vue and Three.JS to display a Building Structure in 3D.

Preview for the Shaderprogramming Submission Project page.

Shaderprogramming Submission

Collection of fragment shaders, all combined in a Single-Page-Application made with Vite. This is a submission for Shader Programming.

Preview for the Space Shooter Project page.

Space Shooter

A rogue-like space shooter made with Unity. This is the exam submission for the Game Development course. The game was developed with two other students.

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Here are my most recent Blog Entries.

Image Card for the Implementing Hit Prediction Blog article.

Implementing Hit Prediction

An implementation of hit prediction for 0G no-drag environments for momentum-inheriting projectiles.

19. December 2023
Image Card for the Recording Game Audio with OBS on Linux Blog article.

Recording Game Audio with OBS on Linux

An in-depth guide into isolating game audio for OBS.

21. January 2023

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